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the peace and unity assembly

Embark on a musical journey around the world with our talented artists! We'll take you on a musical tour of Armenia, Iraq, Israel, and Morocco, exploring the unique sounds and instruments of each culture. Through guided listening and interactive participation, children will discover the rich cultural heritage behind each melody. From the enchanting bird calls of Shepherds' music to the universal message of peace, our program fosters global awareness and community building. Join us as we learn to sing 'peace' in different languages and come together in a joyful celebration of diversity and harmony!

African-American and Hispanic music traditions and bridge building

For this assembly we bring in 3 master musicians, one from Africa, one from Latin America, and the third is a musical director who emcees the assembly, presents the program and performs with the Africa and Latin American masters. We demonstrate and discuss the influence of African music on Latin American music, the unique elements of each tradition, the history that led to the development of the music traditions and the value, beauty and importance of both.

the world through music

Embark on a musical journey around the globe with this workshop led by renowned world music Oscar-winning composer Yuval Ron! In this immersive experience, Yuval shares fascinating stories, instruments, and sounds from diverse cultures, including the talking drum of Africa, Morocco's trance rhythms, and the mystical sounds of India, Israel, and Persia. Through interactive music-making, dancing, and role-playing, children will delve into the historical context of each culture's music while exploring valuable life lessons, such as compassion, unity and mutual responsibility.

preventing bullying workshop

Three-part workshop series for building skills of inclusiveness and tolerance in schools that have experienced bullying, racial and ethnic tensions.

Using music, songwriting, and creative expression, these workshops help build student, teacher, and parent awareness on the benefits of social inclusiveness and tolerance that lead to peaceful interactions, resolution, and safe environments.

"kids sanctuary" mindfulness for children

This workshop offers guided listening and guided mindfulness activities for children k-8. Accompanied by live music by award-winning composer Yuval Ron, the participants are presented with affirmations and body awareness activities and will enjoy healing, soothing and relaxing music to cultivate inner peace, and foster self-regulation.

brain health and music, an interactive installation

This is an interactive workshop that is installed in your space, whether it’s a community center, a high school, or a college. Experience sound that can increase blood flow in the brain, resulting in improved cognitive functions, memory, and increased concentration and focus.
In this installation, each participant will be provided with links to listen to music tracks on their own phone or device, and will receive information about the science behind the tracks and the Brain Entrainment technology used in the music. This installation offers a restful, calming break from the hustle and bustle of our daily routines, and contributes to the participants’ increased sense of inner peace and overall wellbeing. HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE LEVEL.

respect, compassion, courage and hope

Songs and storytelling that invoke and inspire these four higher virtues. This program engages participants to sing along, clap along and teaches simple dance moves.

Armenian and Hispanic music traditions and bridge building

This assembly brings together 2 music and dance ensembles, one from Armenia, the other from Latin America. We demonstrate and discuss the unique elements of each tradition, the history that led to the development of the music traditions and the value, beauty, and importance of both.

dances from around the world

Learn to Dance: Andalusian Moroccan Dance
Learn to Dance: Turkish Andalusian Folklore Dance
Learn to Dance: Israeli Folk Dances
Learn to Dance: Belly dance
Learn to Dance: Classical Indian Dance
Learn to Dance: Flamenco
Learn to Dance: African Dance
Each of these workshops is taught by a different teacher, each a master at their craft. Some of these workshops include live music, some recorded music, and all dance workshops can be adapted to any level of experience and for age group.

girl power through classical Indian dance

Workshop with Lakshmi Vijaya. The movements of the dance form flow into a seamless synthesis of grace, physical strength, and balance, besides emotive expression, enabling them to connect with the power of their own femininity and is healing, therapeutic and empowering. A young girl aware of her innate power, is then able to take charge of every aspect of her life - be it physical, emotional, social and financial wellbeing.

music, dance, and neuroscience workshops for teens who suffer from substance abuse

Series of workshops that introduce teens to the positive impact of music and dance on the brain and well-being. Using singing, dancing, clapping in poly rhythms, blues and hip hop songwriting, and discussions we give teens healthy, organic and accessible ways to reach a natural “high” that could lead them to avoid and heal from substance abuse. HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL.

sound mindfulness meditation as a way for healing and peace

Music mindfulness meditations practices that are designed to improve cognitive functioning while lowering stress, anxiety, irritability and depression. Experiencing live sound meditations often leads to the expansion of the mind nurturing inner peace. Such introspective self work has been proven in clinical trials to improve test scores, memory, and emotional regulation. With live music by Yuval Ron.

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